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  • Certification Registration & Maintenance

Certification Registration & Maintenance

An organization willing to register a certification for management system to KFQ is required to comply with the followings. The content of the requirements can be changed according to certification scheme related with national law, international standard and the process of KFQ. The latest information is posted on KFQ website (http://www.kfq.or.kr )

An ownership of the certificate and audit report contents related to the certification activities is held by KFQ. Also, organization's information can be uploaded and displayed on the accreditation body's database.

In addition to the following requirements, the organization shall also comply with a specific requirements respectively by each audit standard.

  • 1. An organization applying for certification shall establish and document relevant system to comply with applicable standard (criteria), and effectively implement and maintain its activity according to defined procedure and method.
  • 2. An organization shall comply with the legal regulations related with certification scope, and with laws associated with certification scheme, accreditation body's requirements, and requirements for the certification registration maintenance by KFQ, and shall comply with the changes.
  • 3. In regard to operation of certification scheme, an organization has no right to refuse the witness audit and special audit directly conducted by an accreditation body or IATF. Also, the organization has no right to refuse the KFQ's internal witness audit for KFQ's own auditor qualification assessment.
  • 4. An organization has a record that they have conducted an internal audit and management review at least once a year, and the frequency shall be more than once a year.
  • 5. Stage 1 audit will be conducted before the stage 2 audit and it will be confirmed in stage 1 audit that an organization identified its system's status of implementation and documentation and is ready for the stage 2 audit. It is mandatory for organization to prepare for all required materials to be submitted, for the stage 1 audit.
  • 6. It is principle that the stage 1 audit shall be conducted in an organization. In case that stage 1 audit cannot be conducted due to organization's disagreement, it increase the possibility that audit activity can be stopped in middle of stage 2 audit.
  • 7. As a result of stage 1 audit, in case the decision of lack of preparedness for stage 2 audit, site audit cannot be conducted. The progress of certification process will stop so the organization will not be certified. Especially if preparedness for stage 1 audit is not ready, it is regarded as lack of preparedness for site audit.
  • 8. Initial audit stage 2 can be stopped when serious problem of system operation happen and audit team judges that completion of audit becomes meaningless. To get certificate after stopping audit, full audit process starting stage 1 audit shall be conducted.
  • 9. Either If an organization register its certification by transferring from other certification body or if transfer site audit and regular audit (surveillance and recertification audit) is conducted consecutively or if the requirement of transfer site audit is not fulfilled, the planned regular audit (surveillance and recertification audit) to be implemented consecutively might not be conducted and be stopped.
  • 10. The organization shall permit access to all place, opening relevant records, and interview with staff for confirming inspection and implementation of system setup-related documents which is needed for all audit for certification registration and maintenance of certification qualification.
  • 11. Throughout the entire process for the certification registration, the case that is impossible to be certified is the followings.
    • 1) In case the organization gives up the certification registration by sending the official document and/or the other means.
    • 2) In case the stage 2 audit isn't be conducted within 90 days after the stage 1 audit. (For recertification audit, in case the recertification audit isn't be conducted within the effective period)
    • 3) In case significant major nonconformity or various major nonconformities occur at the initial and recertification audit. (e.g. audit suspension due to breakdown of system)
    • 4) In case the causes of nonconformities found out from the initial or recertification audit are not eliminated, by the confirmation on the report of the corrective action and the follow-up audit, within 90 days after the audit.
    • 5) After the audit for certification registration, where resource and relevant group to meet the requirement of the certification scope don't exist or certification system is barely operated.
    • 6) In case the organization has no confidence in the certification system by claim or social trouble from interested party like customer.
    • 7) In case the requested information or document in the process of the application, audit plan and audit are not provided or turned out false.
    • 8) In case changes in organization's structure or significant issues in system or any changes are not unveiled.
    • 9) In case the organization violates the contract or agreement with KFQ.
    • 10) In case the organization doesn't pay the certification fee.
    • 11) In case the process of certification registration is stopped before completion due to dismantlement of organization or being out of contact.
    • 12) In case other system has significant issues.
  • 12. If there is a significant customer complaint or any violation of law an organization received regarding standard for certification before certification registration (from application of certification), the organization shall inform KFQ of it.