KFQ Membership System

  • KFQ Membership System

KFQ Membership Guide

KFQ Membership Guide

Introduction of KFQ Membership

Korean Foundation for Quality (KFQ) has been running KFQ Membership programs including CEO New Summer Forum, CEO breakfast meeting, CEO friendship event, KFQ's open-education and offering of latest information, in order to have a close relationship with clients and offer more comprehensive and systematic services to them. We would like to invite you as one of our honorable members, which would help your organization enhance competitiveness and achieve higher management performance.

Outline of Membership
- Scope of Membership : joining membership by business place
- Period of Membership : 1 year (12 months) since the day joined
- Breakfast Meeting : nine times a year
- CEO New Summer Forum : once a year (in August)
- CEO Friendship Event : twice a year (in April , October)