
  • CEO 인사말
  • KFQ 연혁
  • 품질방침
  • 공평성 및 전문성 운영방침
  • 경영이념 및 비전
  • 사업안내
  • 조직도
  • 오시는길

Greetings from CEO

"Let us unleash our hybrid potential."

After four arduous years, the pandemic now appears to be drawing to a close. We wanted to take a moment to encourage and support each other for persevering through these trying times. Despite this glimmer of hope, that road ahead remains uncertain. The pandemic has acted as a catalyst, accelerating the transition that humanity was already undergoing and signaling the dawn of a new era.

As we navigate through these rapid changes, the Korean Foundation for Quality (KFQ) celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. It is evident that we must revisit our policies and strategies from a fresh perspective that reflects the ever-evolving landscape.

"Sustainability" has become a major pillar of interest for humanity at the moment. As a means for powerful global players like the US and EU to maintain and strengthen their dominance in the world market, and also a topic that aligns well with the imperative of human survival, sustainability is poised to assume a more prominent position in the mechanics of the global economy.

We all stand on the edge of uncertainty and insecurity, and our current position appears particularly precarious. The strategies that worked well for us in the past may no longer apply. Nevertheless, we have always surmounted new challenges by harnessing our hybrid capabilities that merge the past and present, while looking towards the future.

The KFQ remains committed to investing its interest and resources in a broad array of programs that fosters trust, building on “sustainability” as one of the pillars.

We pledge to devote ourselves to delivering optimized solutions by combining our accumulated know-how with novel perspectives and cutting-edge technologies.

We are truly grateful to our clients who have supported the KFQ over the past 30 years. Moving forward, we remain dedicated to serving you as sustainable customers with unwavering dedication and tireless effort.