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  • IQNET Co-certification

IQNET Co-certification


Co-certification, as one of the IQNET cooperation toosl, means a secondary certification by an IQNET Association Member based on a valid certification process and certificate, issued by the original IQNET Association Member.
Co-certification is available exclusively to organizations that already hold a valid certificate by an IQNET Member. The scope of co-certification is limited to management system international standards endorsed by IQNET Association and is not applicable for private schemes nor other types of conformity assessment.


Advantage of Co-Certification

- More efficiency (less cost, less time) process when compared with other alternatives (e.g. requesting another CB certification, conducting joint auditing between two IQNET Members).
- The mininum of the administrative burden for certified organization as most contacts with the co-certifier are to be conducted by the original certifier.

For inquiry about co-certification, please contact us.